Happy day!
We publish photo-story CRAZY PHOTOGALLERY OF SIGHTHOUNDS!!! If you are surfeit of sighthounds exhibition photos this view would be great diversification. Our dandies tug with us often!! Come with us and together we will show them in indiscrete and private poses!!
HELP US AND SEND US YOUR CRAZY PHOTO!! You may send photos by email or on CD/DVD.

Farinka warming-up (Farah Bohemia Genao)

You have guinea-pig on your bottom! Wait I will take it off! (Isham Bohemia G.)

I am beautiful! (Agalella ag Dalvit)

Where is the sleigh? My paws are freezing! (Madida Schuru-esch-Schams)

Please, hairbalsam and I am ready! (Ahaggar ag Dalvit)

You stinks!?! (Bilgis El-Kou)

Beautiful beer break! (Fejsal Bohemia Genao)

Mouse, come on!!!! (Ezgaret Bohemia Genao)

Water, water, I am a water dog !! (Akaba ag Dalvit)

Sweet dreams. (Apoline El Guerrouj)

Help me, please do not leave me alone!! (Ahaggar ag Dalvit)

I love you, my sweet black darling!! (Akaba ag Dalvit a pražský krysařík Adam)

Uíííííííííí!! (Udako kel Dahoussahaq)

I am in place of mortar !! Look at me, look at me !!(Jamuna Bohemia Genao)

Say cheeeeeeeeeese! (Isham Bohemia Genao)

It is our bed, not yours! (Udako kel Dahoussahaq)

Right, left, right - warming up!!! (azawakh ladz Al-Hara´s Afrika)

Hey boys, give me a place for living!! (Agallela ag Dalvit, Isham Bohemia Genao)

Give me a kiss... (Magistére B´Chiraagh and rat Buba)

Oh dear - waaather - in September? (Jamuna Bohemia Genao alias Ulinka)

I am invisible, come on - BHAF!! (Agallela ag Dalvit)

As a Berber, I need just a camel, sand and everithing will be complete! (Azíz El Kou, Aisha El Kou)

Hey, litlung, you are a sloughi from Africa, aren´t you? (baby Santé between Azíz El Kou and Agbar El Kou)

Where are you, halooooooooo!! (Apolline El Guerrouj)
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