Do you know sighthounds have a lot of similarities? And we don´t speak just about resembling behaviour and the same continent of origin. These dogs have many similarities in DNA too. On is written an article by Ermine Moreau-Sipiere:"Saluki and sloughi are the Arabic designation for a dog type, not a breed. In other words, it is a designation for similar to "Sighthound" in English. It is also true that the differences between the two breeds are not limited to coat colors, texture and gait... " Note, explication - Arabic don´t know the notion for term hound so many of Arabs say saluki or sloughi when they speek about a dog type - so these two terms indicate every type of dog look like as sigthound. So if you hear an Arab speaking about
sloughi or saluki you should specify the dog type because the Arab can think of azawakh as well as afghan. In Arabic is term hound pronounce [sluri] - arabic do not know letter G or [saluki] even if we are speakind about afghanhound and azawakh. Only in Maroco where the FCI classification is valid Arabs try to use these terms well, but we can still find in boundary areas natives tribes which pronounce sluri or saluki and think aboutwhole group of
sigthounds. So if you try to buy an import puppy be careful of puppy pedigree because you can buy a "sluri" and this puppy can be also a mix between sigthounds as well as a pure dog. (photo1 a 2: short haired two years old dog of Afghan hound, photo 3: puppy-short haired bitch of Afghan hound wit her feathered mother - all photos from - THANK YOU!)
"Scientific investigation of genetic differences between various sighthounds, including Afgan, Borzoi, Saluki, Sloughi, Azawakh, has shown allele distributions with specific genetic profiles for each breed. In particular, the Sloughi and the Azawakh, have an additional allele B on the Glucose-Phosphate-Isomerase (GPI) locus." (photo: dog Sloughi Magistére Vaysa from
"The Sighthound Club in Germany had carrier DNA testing on 17 Salukis (some of them were COO),
5 Sloughis and 15 Afghans. The results were confirming the first study referred above with even stronger conclusions: sloughi versus saluki - 7 differences in DNA fingerprint, afghan versus saluki - 3 differences in DNA fingerprint and sloughi versus afghan - just one differences in DNA fingerprint. " (photo: short haired saluki Kjara from

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